Determine Accurate Water Depth for Your Worksite with a Sonar Fish Finder

When dewatering your worksite it is important to know the depth of the water you will displace. You need to match the height of  your Aqua-Barrier® temporary cofferdam to the water depth. If your cofferdam is too short, it will not be adequate to dewater your worksite. Judging depth of water can be challenging, though. Use this guide to learn how to use a sonar fish finder to more easily measure the water depth of your next worksite.

A Better Way to Find an Accurate Water Depth for Your Worksite

Fishermen use sonar fish finders to locate fish under the water and find ideal fishing spots. They also use them to avoid hazards such as shallow waters, logs, and rocks. Designed to display everything beneath the surface of the water, sonar fish finders are ideal for accurately measuring the water depth of your worksites.

How a Sonar Fish Finder Works

A sonar fish finder is composed of two parts: a transducer and a display. Sound waves are sent into the water by the transducer, which bounce off of things and then back to the transducer. The transducer interprets the data, estimating the size and depth of the objects, and sends this information to the display. The display converts this information into a graphic representation of everything below the surface of the water.

Using a Sonar Fish Finder at Your Worksites

It is extremely important to know the depth of your worksite when determining what height your Aqua-barrier® Cofferdam needs to be. The Aqua-barrier® is placed around your worksite and the water inside the barrier is used to inflate it. Any excess water is then displaced to a holding area. If the Aquabarrier® is too short, it will not effectively keep the water out of your worksite. Use a sonar fish finder to easily measure the depth of your worksite and the height of the cofferdam you will need. With this height, the length, and other information, use our Aqua-barrier® Cost Calculator to determine the cost of the cofferdam you will need. There is no easier way to determine the depth of the water.

Make Measuring Water Depth Much Easier

It can be a challenge to determine the accurate water depth for your worksite, yet it is crucial when dewatering with an Aqua-barrier® Cofferdam. Contact Us for more information on how to use a sonar fish finder to measure the water depth for your next Aqua-barrier® installation.