Seamless Bridge Repair and Dewatering with the Aqua Barrier

With the increasing number of structurally deficient bridges in the United States, bridge repair has become essential. Quoting the American Road & Transportation Department, “Nearly 231,000 U.S. bridges need major repair work or should be replaced.” Over 46K of the bridges are structurally deficient and can collapse when not repaired on time.

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When performing a bridge repair, it’s essential to maintain a dry worksite. And the most reliable way to achieve that is by dewatering the site using the Aqua-Barrier. You don’t need the traditional sandbags or traditional cofferdams. They can compromise the structural integrity of the bridge getting repaired or built.

Using the Aqua Barrier for Bridge Repairs

When implementing a bridge repair project in a wet area, consider installing the Aqua-Barrier. It’s portable, easy to install, and reusable. Notably, the barrier is safer and more reliable than traditional dewatering methods, like sandbags. The Aqua Barrier eliminates the risk of water leaks through cracks, as with sandbags, after sealing your worksite.

Quick and Easy Dam Dewatering Projects

The Aqua-Barrier installation doesn’t require heavy equipment or intensive labor. That makes the process 3-5 times faster than the traditional dewatering methods. As a result, you will save more time during the dewatering process, allowing you to complete the repair project on time without compromising the quality. 

How the Water Inflated Dam Works 

When you deploy the Aqua Barrier, it molds to the worksite, forming a seal that prevents water from leaking past it. The inflatable water dam uses the water around it to create a barrier, making the dewatering process easy. It also has an internal baffle system that can lock into place when exposed to more hydrostatic pressure on one side.

The Best Dewatering Solution for Your Bridge Repair Project

The Aqua-Barrier Inflatable water dam is the most reliable dewatering solution for any bridge repair project. You can also use it in other construction projects, including boat ramp construction, concrete repairs, pipeline construction, and shoreline restoration. Finally, you can rely on the equipment when the need for emergency repairs arises.

Connect with us to learn more applications of the Aqua-Barrier Inflatable Dam.